I've been on two wheels for most of my life. I had a paper route all through high school (a real route that meant 6 days a week, 5am in the morning!!), and I rode rain or shine, or snow, or even my graduation. Yes, I had to cut my all-nighter short so I could get home and do my paper route... I know, real cool... I also rode everyday during the summers, even after all my other buddies grew up and got cars.
As an adult (okay, I'm going on 38) I ride to work everyday, and I still feel like a kid. It's as if I never grew up. I still stare at cool cars as they pass by, and I daydream of owning them one day, even though I'm past the age one should have some of these 2 door, 2 seater sports cars.
But I think I'm happy being on two wheels, and self propelled. My daily ride, like most daily riders, is a bit ghetto, but it gets me from point A to B. It's my 1996 Norco Bigfoot, and yes, I'm the original owner. I've made modifications over the years, and everytime I put more money into it, I always think, I could have bought another bike by now. I've replaced my rims, brakes, bottom bracket, cranks, rear cluster, cables, seat post, seat...... basically, everything but the frame, forks, shifters and my handle bars......
I have a love-hate relationship with my daily ride. I sometimes wish it was cooler, like a tricked out hipster fixed gear bike with a flip-flop hub, or a super versitile cyclocross with mostly 105 components, or a slick Euro road bike. I hate it when an equally strong rider is beside me on the way home, but he slowly passes me up hill because he has a faster, lighter and better geared bike than me!! Argh!!! At the same time, everyday as I ride to and from work, I'm proud of my little humble 26" wheeled ex-mountainbike converted daily rider. It's chromo frame and forks has served me well. This front picture is an ode to my Norco Bigfoot with Cannondale v-brakes and Specialized seat........
The picture is heavily modified, with fisheye effect, cartooned, and increased contrast. Just goofing around to see how far away I can get from reality while still maintaining a recognizable form.......
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